Investor FAQs
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When was Doma Holdings Inc. founded?
Doma was founded in 2016.
Where are Doma’s headquarters located?
101 Mission St, Suite 740, San Francisco, CA 94105
When did Doma Holdings Inc. go public?
Doma became a publicly traded organization on July 29, 2021. Shares of common stock are publicly available for trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
What is Doma’s ticker symbol?
For Common Stock - NYSE: DOMA
For Warrants, NYSE: DOMA.WS
For Warrants, NYSE: DOMA.WS
What is Doma’s CUSIP number?
Common Stock #25703A 203
For warrants, #25703A 11 2
For warrants, #25703A 11 2
How can I invest in Doma Holdings Inc?
You can buy shares of Doma stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange through any licensed brokerage firm. We do not have a direct stock purchase plan for non-employees.
Can international investors invest in Doma Holdings Inc?
Yes, you can buy shares of Doma stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange from anywhere in the world through any licensed brokerage firm.
I own a small number of Doma shares that I would like to sell but don’t want to pay high commissions or transaction costs. Does the Company have a share buyback program?
There is no buy-back program in place currently. Small holders wishing to liquidate their holdings at a modest expense should consider selling the shares through one of the low-cost Internet brokerage services.
Who do I contact for information regarding my stockholder account? Who is the transfer agent for Doma Holding Inc?
i. Doma’s stock transfer agent is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company. Please reach out to with any questions regarding your stock.
When does Doma’s fiscal year end?
Doma’s fiscal year ends on December 31.
Who is Doma’s auditor?
Deloitte & Touche serves as Doma’s independent auditor.
When will you release your next financial results?
A list of all upcoming investor events can be found on our website here .
Do you have other questions that have not been answered?
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