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Cover Page
Financial Statements
Balance Sheets
Balance Sheets (Parentheticals)
Statements of Operations
Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity
Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity (Parentheticals)
Statements of Cash Flows
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Description of Organization and Business Operations
Restatement of Previously Issued Financial Statements
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Initial Public Offering
Private Placement
Related Party Transactions
Commitments and Contingencies
Permanent Equity and Temporary Equity
Income Tax
Fair Value Measurements
Subsequent Events
Organization and business operations
Summary of significant accounting policies
Business combinations
Investments and fair value measurements
Revenue recognition
Liability for loss and loss adjustment expenses
Segment information
Income tax
Fixed assets
Stockholders’ equity
Stock compensation expense
Earnings per share
Related party transactions
Commitment and contingencies
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Accrued expenses and other liabilities
Employee benefit plan
Research and development
Recent developments - Transaction with Capitol Investment Corp. V
Regulation and statutory financial information
Subsequent events
SEC Schedule, Article 12-09, Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
Accounting Policies
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Restatement of Previously Issued Financial Statements (Tables)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Income Tax (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Summary of significant accounting policies (Tables)
Business combinations (Tables)
Investments and fair value measurements (Tables)
Revenue recognition (Tables)
Liability for loss and loss adjustment expenses (Tables)
Segment information (Tables)
Income tax (Tables)
Fixed assets (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Stockholders’ equity (Tables)
Stock compensation expense (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Commitment and contingencies (Tables)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (Tables)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (Tables)
Notes Details
Description of Organization and Business Operations (Details)
Restatement of Previously Issued Financial Statements (Details)
Restatement of Previously Issued Financial Statements - Adjusted Financials (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Earnings per Share (Details)
Initial Public Offering (Details)
Private Placement (Details)
Related Party Transactions (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Details)
Permanent Equity and Temporary Equity (Details)
Income Tax (Details)
Income Tax (Details) - Schedule of deferred tax assets
Income Tax (Details) - Schedule of income tax provision
Income Tax (Details) - Schedule of reconciliation of the federal income tax rate
Fair Value Measurements (Details) - Schedule of air value on a recurring basis
Fair Value Measurements - Measurement Inputs (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Change in Fair Value of Warrants (Details)
Subsequent Events (Details)
Organization and business operations (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies - Narrative (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies - Summary of useful lives assigned to fixed assets (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies - Title Plants (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies - Schedule of trade names (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies - Reinsurance (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies - Schedule of gross premiums written and ceded premiums (Details)
Business combinations - Narrative (Details)
Business combinations - Schedule of additional information on total consideration transferred (Details)
Business combinations - Schedule of purchase price allocation (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Held-to-Maturity Debt Securities (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Narrative (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Realized Gains (Losses) on Held-to-Maturity Debt Securities (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Held-to-Maturity Debt Securities Maturity (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Schedule of Unrealized Loss on Held-to-Maturity Debt Securities (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements -Summary of Available-for-Sale Debt Securities (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Available-for-Sale Debt Securities Maturity (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Realized Gains (Losses) on Available-for-Sale Debt Securities (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Equity Securities (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Realized Gain (Loss) on Equity Securities (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Mortgage Loans (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Schedule of Investment Income (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Accrued Interest (Details)
Investments and fair value measurements - Summary of Company's Investments Measured at Fair Value (Details)
Revenue recognition (Details)
Liability for loss and loss adjustment expenses - Summary of Liability for Loss and Loss Adjustment Expenses (Details)
Liability for loss and loss adjustment expenses - Narrative (Details)
Segment information - Narrative (Details)
Segment information - Summary of Operating Results by Segment (Details)
Segment information - Reconciliation of Adjusted Gross Profit to Loss Before Income Taxes (Details)
Segment information - Goodwill Rollfoward by Segment (Details)
Income tax - Income tax expense (Details)
Income tax - Reconciliation of federal income tax rate (Details)
Income tax - Narrative (Details)
Income tax - Deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Fixed assets - Schedule of fixed assets (Details)
Fixed assets - Narrative (Details)
Fixed assets - Schedule of net gains and losses on sales of fixed assets (Details)
Fixed assets - Internally developed software and acquired software (Details)
Debt (Details)
Debt - Summary of Loan (Details)
Stockholders’ equity - Narrative (Details)
Stockholders’ equity - Schedule of preferred stock (Details)
Stock compensation expense - Narrative (Details)
Stock compensation expense - Summary of Weighted-Average Assumptions (Details)
Stock compensation expense - Summary of Stock Options (Details)
Stock compensation expense - Nonvested Restricted Stock Awards (Details)
Earnings per share (Details)
Related party transactions (Details)
Commitment and contingencies - Narrative (Details)
Commitment and contingencies - Schedule of Minimum Operating Lease Payments (Details)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (Details)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (Details)
Employee benefit plan (Details)
Research and development (Details)
Recent developments - Transaction with Capitol Investment Corp. V (Details)
Regulation and statutory financial information (Details)
Subsequent events (Details)
SEC Schedule, Article 12-09, Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Details)
All Reports